Claudio Tume

Ad un certo punto cominciarono a ronzarmi incessantemente per la testa i Children’s Songs.

Gli ostinati di Chick Corea mi perseguitavano per l’intera giornata...

At one point the “Children’s Songs” started buzzing in my head relentlessly.

Chick Corea’s “Ostinati” haunted me all day long. Back then I played the renaissance lute and I tried every possible way to adapt them to the instrument. But, they were almost 500 years apart!

Fandango y Rondo

Fandango y Rondo

The Knight of the lute

nostalgia del CD?


Dionisio Aguado [1784-1849]

Le Fandango Varié op. 16

Tre Rondò op. 1

Lecciones op. 6

19th century guitar

The Knight of the lute

Daniel Batchelor, Monsieur's Almain

tutte le fantasie incluse nel

"Variety of lute lesson" di Robert Dowland.

liuto rinascimentale 8 cori

transcriptions: Claudio Tumeo